How to sell your photography at auction is a common query. Here at Photography At Auction, there are monthly emails and messages from amateur and professional photographers alike asking how they can sell their prints at auction.
Selling Your Work At Auction: A Roadmap to the Salesroom is a book (available in print and on Kindle) exploring the route from amateur photographer to a record-breaking auction. Whether you are a professional photographer looking to achieve an auction sale or a beginner looking to improve your work to a professional level, this book explores:
Conceiving an auction-worthy body of work
Print quality and museum-grade archiving
Industry-standard portfolios and presentations
What you need to know about exhibitions
Making sales
Building a reputation
The Valuation Formula
Approaching elite auction houses
The salesroom
Written in standard English, this simple guide starts in chronological order from conceiving an idea for a body of work through to what you can expect on auction day, along with tips and figures for full comprehension.
Exploring the route from amateur photographer to a record-breaking auction
Selling Your Work at Auction: A Roadmap to the Salesroom is available in paperback or on Kindle from Amazon. The paperback version is available now, with Kindle available to pre-order.
Paperback Book
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Profits from book sales will contribute towards the up-keep of Photography At Auction ensuring there continues to be a direct source for photographic auction sales and industry news.
The book is also available to review or add to your reading list on Goodreads.
I had some old around 150+years old original pictures of birds feeding there babies, flowers and some natural scenes which was taken by my grand grandfather . I want to auction it if anyone interested please contact me