The Photography At Auction Digest
With 25 photography auctions to dissect and explore, The Photography at Auction Digest compiles data from all of the photography auctions from 2018 along with a comprehensive compilation of the top 50 Most Expensive Photographs to ever sell at auction, data such as the most expensive sales, trends of the year, standout auctions, auction house comparisons and a number of graphs and charts, as well as analysis into the industry, essays, and more.

The price of the Photography at Auction Digest volume I and volume II has been slashed from $7.99 (£6.99 €7.19) to $5.99 (£4.99 €5.99). The e-book has also slashed its pricing from $4.99 (£3.99 €4.45) to $3.99 (£2.99 €3.62), and for a limited time only some copies of the Photography At Auction Digest are available for FREE on Kindle Unlimited.

For more Photography at Auction books, take a look at How To Sell Your Work At Auction: A Roadmap To The Saleroom – a guide from concept to consignment.